Tuesday, September 16, 2014

My Mother's Things

This summer, in addition to packing away toys for supposed future grandchildren, I've also cleaned out a couple more boxes in the stack left over from my mom's storage unit.  (She passed away last October.)  There were four china teacups and saucers - all from different patterns, an antique doll (creepy to me), and various knick-knacks.  I looked them up online and there's very little value.  But to her I'm sure they were valuable - sentimental if nothing else.  And I'm just left to wonder.  Why teacups?  Only four - they weren't something she sought out actively.  And the doll?  Why drag it around all those years?

I wish I had thought to ask those things when she was alive.  Did I even see that doll in her house anywhere?  How would I have known to ask about it?  It makes me want to go back into the boxes I packed away for my grandchildren and write notes about what was what.

When my mom was alive I used to think she had the best cooking pans and stirring spoons.  Many years ago I even told her I wanted her pans when she died.  I didn't have to wait that long because she bought me a set as a gift.  Through the years I have acquired other pans and honestly, I like them much better because of their newer technology.  A few months before she died she gave me one of her stirring spoons.  It's not like I remembered either.  I always remember making pudding with it - and it is good for that, but it's not an everyday cooking spoon.

In the end all I really wanted was her Bible and her recipe collection.  And a little more time...

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