Tuesday, March 22, 2016

A Thought for my Son - the Artist

The book I read several months ago, "Dying to be Me" by Anita Moorjani (which I've already posted about twice) had a paragraph that enlightened me to my older son - a musician who sees life through the eyes of an artist which are not the eyes that his practical mother (that's me) and sister (my daughter) see things through.

Moorjani says, "The infinite self is our essence.  It's who we truly are... .  The intellect is just a tool for navigating through this life.  It figures out how to make enough money to put food on the table and make the rent, while the soul only wants to express itself." (p. 146)

Having just finished Spring Break I can sort of identify.  I wanted to figure out how to do just enough house cleaning to not endanger our health and safety but still enjoy the week and feel like my infinite self - enjoying life and time off of work, time with family and to pursue hobbies. 

I like the sentiment Moorjani expressed, but it fails to consider responsibilities.  There are responsibilities other than financial.  As a mom of a ten year-old, I have responsibilities to help him grow and achieve his full potential.  That includes, in my opinion, taking him to activities which enrich him.  I am not one of those over-scheduling moms.  But we do have a couple of activities which we consider an investment into his future-self.  As much as I would like to pursue my own interests a few nights a week, I have the responsibility to take him to his activities.

The artist (writer) in me still wants to spend more time writing a novel.  But, for now, I have found little ways, like through this blog or my website for book reviews that I can express enough of my soul and still meet my obligations.

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