Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Supertramp - The Long Way Home

As I continue to enjoy my Satellite radio in the (still new in my heart even though it is officially a year old) car I was contemplating Supertramp lyrics the other day.

The part that got me thinking was the verse towards the end:

Does it feel that you life's become a catastrophe?
Oh, it has to be for you to grow, boy.
When you look through the years and see what you could
have been oh, what might have been,
if you'd had more time.

But, today, as I look up the lyrics, I see the dreaminess of the song:

So you think you're a Romeo
playing a part in a picture-show

Cos you're the joke of the neighborhood
Why should you care if you're feeling good

You never see what you want to see
Forever playing to the gallery

After each of those - the chorus "take the long way home".

I want to take the long way home.  I want to dream big dreams and not care what others think.
Is it too late to start?  I have dreams, but I set them aside and take the direct route home because there are things to do there - dinners to cook and dishes to wash and laundry, etc.

We can't all live carefree lives, following our dreams - we need the worker bees.
Yet, it would seem, we all have dreams.
So why are some people blessed with abilities and situations to follow them and others are not?
I suppose that is the same question as why are some people blessed with good health and others not.

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