Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Last Man on Earth

There's a new television show about the last man on earth.  I thought it was a goofy show.  Even after he met the last woman on earth - I don't see how there is going to be enough material to sustain the show.  But for me it was a refreshing contemplation.

For over a year now I have been contemplating what I want to accomplish before my life comes to an end so to see it in the reverse was refreshing.

In the show the guy has the run of the whole earth.  He can live in any house he chooses.  Take any food from the grocery store.  Drive any car.  He doesn't have to go to work or take care of anything.  There are some problems - no running water and no trash service.

What would I do if I had NOTHING to do and endless amounts of time to do it in?

  • Read!  That would be first on my list.  I would spend a lot of time reading all the books that I want to read but will never find the time to read.
  • Exercise - well, it was a thought.  I actually do want to exercise daily for better health but I rarely get the time.  If I was the last person on earth I'd have the time to exercise.  However, I probably wouldn't care about longevity.  If every family member I loved were already dead, I wouldn't feel compelled to take good care of myself in order to extend my life for their sake.
  • Forget exercise - I would experiment with new recipes and enjoy food.  Dessert every day!  Even though I know dessert makes me sluggish and puts on the pounds - so what...I could sleep off the sluggishness and if I was overweight there would be nobody to be self conscious in front of.  Likewise, if bad eating habits led to an early death - so what...I could join all my loved ones.
  • Finish projects - again, it's a thought.  I could finally clean out the clutter and get it all listed on eBay - except there would be nobody to buy it.  I could finally finish my book - except there would be nobody to read it.  I could finally work on the family scrapbooks - except I'd be the only one to ever see them.  The album still might be comforting - but otherwise, how frustrating that all the things I could finally get done wouldn't be worth doing anymore.
So - we're back to Read and Eat.

What would you do?

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