Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Time Will Tell What's to Come

We've had a couple of busy weekends lately - maybe not what some would consider busy but busy for us.  Off schedule and late to bed.  We've also had a couple of nights when our sleep was interrupted due to a child's 3 a.m. headache one time and a 1 a.m. power outage another time.  Getting back to sleep took over an hour.  So it seems reasonable that I would be more tired than usual once I work all day, get home, cook dinner, clean up, check the mail and finally sit down to relax.  

My house feels like chaos and I think of taking a day off just to straigten it all up.

Because of birthday celebrations and changes to our schedule I've eaten a lot more junk food lately than I normally would.  Several months ago I was in a good routine and following a diet that was good for my liver abnormality.  Lately, I just haven't invested the time in the required dietary preparation.  Lately my skin is horrible and my eyes are more yellow - signs that my liver is stressed.  

But even with these rational explanations, I can't escape the recurring thought that some big illness is headed my way and going to knock me flat.  Like a really bad pneumonia or flu.  And then I wonder if this is the beginning of the end.  I saw a story on the news last night about a 13 year old who died from West Nile contracted from a mosquito bite.  Made me think I ought to retrieve the non-toxic but effective lemon eucalyptus mosquito repellant I have in the cabinet and actually use it on myself (and my child) when we are outside twice a week in the evenings for 90 minute tennis sessions.  I probably will, but that doesn't lessen the internal dread of what's coming.

Sometimes I think it is just the weight of the world I am feeling and once we get through the elections, assuming my candidate wins, I'll feel better.  

Time will tell.

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