Thursday, June 9, 2016


Summer comes and I'm off schedule!  Originally I posted every Wednesday but somehow that slipped around to Tuesday.  Every Tuesday on my lunch break I make a post.  Even though I work in education I am still required to work in June and my schedule has changed so much I keep missing my postings.

Anyway - so here I am.  And I was listening to a bunch of nutrition podcasts while I was working this week and on one of them I heard an interesting thought - alzheimer's is like diabetes for the brain.  With diabetes a body gets out of whack largely due to nutrition.  There is now a theory that alzheimer's comes about because improper nutrition robs the brain of elements it needs to function well.

Certainly one more motivation for me to follow a proper diet.  Realistically I have a way better chance of getting Alzheimer's or Dementia than cancer.  Emotionally I'm more afraid of cancer.  Today I really wanted some chocolate but didn't have any available and I was too cheap to go hit up the vending machine.  Also I want to lose six pounds by the end of the month so I was fighting the urge.  I did have a Dr. Pepper in the refrigerator and I contemplated whether that would satisfy my chocolate craving.  Then I thought about all the podcasts I had heard this week and told myself it's not Dr. Pepper - it's cancer in a can.  I made it through the afternoon sans chocolate and sans Dr. Pepper.  Finally after dinner I had Nutella on toast and that took care of the craving.  I was also happy that the Nutella label lists "health fats" and no added sugar.  Can't rationalize the bread though but Nutella on a spoon just didn't sound appealing.

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