Thursday, October 8, 2015

Another Non-Fatal Condition

Recently I had my first physical in probably 25 years. Thanks to the new health care laws an annual physical is free and I love taking advantage of free opportunities.

During the physical they did an EKG and determined that I have a Bundle Branch Blockage.  So the left and right sides of my heart are operating out of synch.  Like always, I did some reading, it's not really serious even though the doctor did recommend I do a stress test with a cardiologist, as a baseline.  Many people have BBB and don't even know it.

I almost find it more of a frustration.  At least with this condition, as opposed to Gilbert's Syndrome, it is invisible whereas Gilbert leaves my eyes yellow and my skin looking horrible.  But otherwise it is frustrating because it is serious enough to have a name but there's really nothing to do.  It's like a false start at a track race.  You're ready to run the distance but nope, come back and assume the ready position for a bit longer.  At some point the race is going to start.  The sooner it starts the sooner it will be over.

Is it just a side effect of better science that can now diagnose these conditions?  I wonder how many conditions the average person has.

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