Monday, July 27, 2015

Nail Polish

During my time off this summer I have been cleaning out closets and cabinets and trying to purge stuff that is unnecessary.  Such as the 18 pairs of Size 4 pants that have hung in my closet literally collecting dust for more years than I care to divulge.  Honestly, I'm never going to fit back in them and if I did then I probably would deserve a new wardrobe.  So they are out.

I also found a ridiculous amount of nail polish.  Some I received as gifts, some free with coupons.  More than I will ever use at the rate I only paint my toenails a few times during the summer.  So, last night I painted my fingernails.  Wow, is it weird!  I have only painted my fingernails once that I can remember in the past 25 years. 

It is surprising how much my body registers the presence of that coat of stuff when I just use my hands around the kitchen.  Apparently I frequently bang the larger surface area of my nails and now that the coat of polish is there I feel the resistance.

I'm thinking positive that I'm going to get a teaching job and if I do, maybe I'll paint my nails on a regular basis.  Most of my most recent jobs have used my hands so much that it just didn't make sense. 

Here's to using up all my nail polish and having fabulous hands as they float across the white board!

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