Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Scott Stapp

Scott Stapp - lead singer for the band Creed, popular in the late 90s and early 2000s.  Creed was a hard rock band who, many thought, had a Christian slant to their lyrics and evangelized through their music to unsuspecting listeners.  Interviews I read during those years indicated that Stapp was the son of a preacher, raised in a Christian home and attending church regularly, then went through a time of rebellion and finally came back around to his roots.

My first husband was a hard-rocker at heart and enjoyed Creed music, especially "Higher".  It seems like he had barely discovered the song before he took his own life.  The song talks about streets of gold where blind men see - obviously metaphors for Heaven.

I believe Creed's music was good on its own.  But because we had the additional emotional attachment of a connection to their father, my older children and I feel a special affinity for the band.  We even learned that the band had written "What's This Life For?" in tribute to a friend they had lost to suicide.

In the last several years there have been reports that Stapp has fallen back into drugs.  Then, about six weeks ago, Stapp made allegations that "they" were after him and the government had taken all his money.   It was reported that his wife left him and he was living out of his car or in a hotel.  Frankly, it was somewhat disappointing but also very sad.  He's "six feet from the edge" and "down to one last breath".

My daughter, the psychology student, texted me one day about how sad she felt after hearing tapes of Stapp rambling on in obvious paranoia, probably a side effect of all his former drug use.  A few days later I heard "My Sacrifice" on the radio and did feel a tear or two well up in my eye.

And then I had an epiphany!  I don't have to just be sad for him and watch him suffer from afar.  Sure he's a celebrity but he's also someone's child.  And what would I do if my child were in such a situation?  I would ask all my friends to pray.  It seems far-fetched to pray for a celebrity but they are human too.  "Can you help me out, can you lend a hand?"

Stapp once sang, "What if I died?  What did I give?  I hope it was an answer, so you might live."  Now he's gone the Wrong Way.  I hope you will join me in praying for Scott Stapp and those who love him and are in positions to guide him through this dark time in his life.  "Cause we all live under the reign of one King"

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