Tuesday, October 27, 2015

House Episode

During its run we enjoyed watching the television series "House" on the Fox network.  Even now we often watch reruns.  One day we came across one that I don't remember seeing originally.  I believe the episode was titled "Damned If You Do?" In the episode a nun was struggling with her mysterious illness and questions of faith.  I thought the brief scene had a lot of food for thought.

She started out conversing with Dr. Chase.  At some point Dr. House enters the room and I can't tell from the transcript which doctor was speaking at all times, but if you've ever seen the show you can definitely tell which one was House.  It went something like this:
Augustine: I don't want to die. Why has He left me? 

Dr. Chase: I was in seminary school. They asked us once what our favorite passage was. I chose 1 Peter 1:7. “These trials only test your faith to see whether or not it is strong and pure. Your faith is being tested as fire tests gold and purifies it.” 

Augustine: “And your faith is far more precious to the Lord than pure gold; so if your faith remains strong after being tested, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day of His return.” 

Dr. Chase: He hasn’t left you. The only thing in the way of your knowing if he’s left you is your fear. You have a choice: faith or fear. That’s the test. 

Augustine: Do you think faith doesn’t mean I won’t die? 

Dr. Chase: It will affect how you experience your death, and therefore your life. It’s up to you.   Room's paid up for the rest of the week.  Might as well stick around.

Augustine:  This illness is a test of my faith.  If it's His will to take me, it doesn't matter where I am.  I can accept that.

(Around this point Dr. House joins the conversations)

Doctor:  Does anybody believe anything you say?  You're not accepting.  You're running away.  Just like you always do.  You ran away from the monastery to get laid.  You ran away from the real world when getting laid didn't work out so good.  Now things aren't working out again, so off you go.

Augustine:  Why is it so difficult for you to believe in God?

Doctor:  What I have difficulty with is the whole concept of belief.

Augustine:  Faith isn't based on logic and experience.  I experience God on a daily basis and the miracle of life all around - the miracle of birth, the miracle of love.  He is always with me.

Doctor:  Where is the miracle in delivering a crack-addicted baby?  Hmm?  Then watching her mother abandon her 'cause she needs another score.  Miracle of love.  You're over twice as likely to be killed by the person you love than by a stranger.

Augustine:  Are you trying to talk me out of my faith?

Doctor House:  You can have all the faith you want in spirits and the afterlife and heaven and hell.  But when it comes to this world, don't be an idiot.  'Cause you can tell me that you put your faith in God to get you through the day, but when it comes to crossing the street, I know you look both ways.

Augustine:  I don't believe He is inside me and is going to save me.  I believe He is inside me whether I live or die.

Doctor:  Then you might as well live.  You got a better shot betting on me than on him.

Augustine:  When I was 15, I was on every kind of birth control known to man [House gasps] and I still got pregnant.  I blamed God.  I hated him for ruining my life.  But then I realized something.  You can't be angry with God and not believe in Him at the same time.  No one can.  Not even you, Dr. House.

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