I had not been sick in years and then I had a respiratory infection and a sinus infection. After a week of antibiotics for the sinus infection I was feeling like I was getting sick again - even though I had 3 days left of medication.
I've been listening to a lot of
Joel Osteen on the radio so as I went to bed that night I was inspired to pray boldly for healing from this minor affliction. I asked God to take all the infection from my body. Then I asked him to take anything else that may be in there too that I was unaware of - like maybe cancer cells. Basically any sickness - get it out of me.
The next day I woke up feeling completely fine. I knew it was due to God's healing and repeatedly thanked Him. Every time I coughed I thanked God for my health. As I was brushing my teeth and getting ready to spend the Saturday running errands with the family, I thought about eating lunch out. Then I thought about enjoying a soda with my lunch. Then I thought - how ridiculous, if God just took any cancer cells out of me over night I'm going to go ruin it by drinking a soda and putting all those toxic chemicals back in my body.
But I LIKE soda! I know it's a horrible habit, and might even be considered an addiction. I know I should not drink soda - ever - for any reason. There is no good that comes out of soda. But I LIKE soda!
So I began a dialogue with God and struck up my own potential sign. If I got a soda at lunch and that soda should spill, then I would never drink soda again. Wow! That was a big commitment on my part. You know I was nervous during lunch! Every time I picked up my drink I was waiting for an avalanche of liquid. It never happened! I never spilled my drink.
What does this mean? I'm not really sure. Does it mean there were no cancer cells to begin with? Or God took them out and is going to allow me to enjoy my favorite beverage guilt free? I'm not going to go overboard with soda drinking but I will indulge from time to time and I will try to thank God each time for my health.